Thursday, April 06, 2006


Thursday April 6, 06
I'm looked at a lot of inspiring garden blogs. Makes me know that what I've done in mine isn't what most do. Their's are short and to the point without personal stuff too much. My gardens are a reflection of me.. lots of personal and God always over all.

Today I moved two fairly large bunches of mulch using a shower curtain.. raked it onto curtain and slid the curtain to where I wanted the mulch. Much easier than the wheel barrow and that was easier than the trash barrel on wheels. I'm hoping this will work well. Its the first time that I've felt like I'm making progress to having gardens that I'll love. HOping I make good choices for fairly carefree plants. Some of the plants that say self seeding, I'll have to put some on non mulched areas so they'll have places to get a foothold when they drop their seeds.

Started some seeds today: Max sunflowers - assorted colors and 5-6' tall. Planning on putting some out at the back fence and some on the side fences.. some FOR my neighbors and some as a screen out back. I'd like a little privacy. Also planted 4 o'clocks.. I love their vibrant colors and that sweet sweet smell in the morning and evening.. Planted mixed cleomes.. fairly tall.. not sure where I'll put them. Probably some out by the cassia - and some out from with the plumbago. That needs to be planted half way between Hans window and the road maybe.. little kidney shaped bed.. maybe some 4 o'clocks there also... lots of soon flash! Planted a small pack of alyssum tall.. I love the smell of alyssum also.. going to plant that in lots of places.. however many plants come up.. and might plant some into bare ground wherever I put some self seeding things like cleomes. I planted some golden guardian marigolds.. they are said to be the best defense against nematodes. Not happy that they are ONLY yellow, but that's okay.

One of the baby mockingbirds was on the walk near the side porch. So adorable.. almost no tail yet, fluffy down feathers on its head and edges of wings.. When mother bird saw me, she flew away and that baby didn't move a muscle.. I got my camera and took several photos and the baby hardly moved all that time.

The lone egret had some company - they were out by my duranta repens.. golden dewdrop - must be so named for the tiny seed/berries that form after the flowers..


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