Thursday, June 29, 2006

Midsummer Rains

June 29, 2006
Time flies so fast these days. Not that there is anything exciting making the days fly, they just do. My grandmother used to say the older you get the faster time seems to fly.. maybe its because you're already over the hill and the slide down is always faster than the climb upThe ferns seem to be loving all this hot weather and rain. It heats up and we have a thunder storm most every afternoon.. drenches everything and leaves it sauna like for a while when the sun comes back out.

There are so many aloe plants.. they need separating and planting.. either in pots to give away or in a row for who knows what. My inability to throw things away extends well into the yard. I noticed one of the newer aloes has a large bud. Last year the aloes out by the driveway were covered with blooms... wondering what this one will look like.People on the garden web, Florida forum have been talking about their 4 o'clocks not blooming. Mine have buds, but I don't think they open. I wonder if there was defective seed or something. We had them where we used to live.. just the other side of town.. and they bloomed non stop most of the year. It was impossible to eradicate them! These are SO picky and seem very unhappy.

The Duranta Repens is covered with blooms and with huge yellow butterflies during the sunny afternoons. I pruned it rather severely in early spring so that it was possible to mow around it. It seems to have loved it.

The spot where I put the lavender lantana is too shady. Its not very shady, but apparently it thrives on full blazing sunshine. I've never had much luck starting them from cuttings. Perhaps a time to try again.Last picture is of a plant that naturally I lost the ID tag. It might be a Firespike, but not sure.

When I finally get outside I hate to come in. Perhaps I can go out more.. this latest FM flare up seems to have calmed down. Today I didn't feel the desire or need for a nap ALL day long. Only had to give in and lie down once or twice. I love to be outside and actually do something with the space for gardens.

I have some little succulents to put into a small garden. I think I'll put them on the front porch in a small container until they grow a little more. We had so many different cactus and succulents when we had the greenhouse . I think we bought a shipment from Park or Ball wholesale. It was like Christmas watching to see what they would be. Flowers and plants from seed continue to amaze me.. from a piece of dust cames something SO intricate and so alike its parentage.

Sad for Willie tonight (one of Suzi's dogs).. Sherman (humongous, gentle giant shepherd) mouths all the other dogs while almost 'lowing'.. He did it to Willie and when Willie jumped, his tooth caught his eye. Suzi rushed him to the vet.. Thankfully he didn't seem to be in any pain. In thinking of it, probably he was traumatized.. and in shock. Of their 4 dogs, Willie is my favorite. He has such spunk and personality. He's a grey terrier.. his nickname is possum.. and he makes me think of Felix Unger... Quick healing, Willie


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