Friday, May 19, 2006

More than enough

May 19,2006
God tells us that He gives to us "in abundance". Sometimes want far more than we need. For so many years I longed to have LOTS of places for different types of plants. Now I have more than enough space and find its more than I can handle. When I go to the grocery store and look for something like salad dressing - its the same thing. I find myslf wishing there were fewer choices. When did I get so tentative in my choices and decisions?

Sometimes there are so many things going on in our lives its hard to focus in one spot and accomplish something. Its tiring to look at the whole picture at once. SO - after running errands this morning I'm going to concentrate on ONE small area...the flowers around the birdbath by the side door. I have several amaryllis plants which have bloomed for such a long time this spring, a french blue salvia, some yellow margueritas, white madagascar periwinkles, some red pentas and some deep peach impatiens. I started some alyssum, but have procrastinated so long in getting them into the ground, I fear that they no longer have the stamina to bloom. Sometimes we do things because of convenience. The tree men brought a load of mulched trees from our street. I laid layers of newspaper and then spread the mulch on that bed before the plants were in the ground. I'm now finding it is SO much harder to rake all this back just to put the plants into the ground. It would have been so much better to put in the plants and THEN add the mulch. Live and learn. This picture is of one of my favorite plants - a peach double impatiens. I'm delighted each time I see them referred to as 'busy lizzies'.

I am considering dumping a 5 gallon pail of aged horse manure onto a section of the lawn out back and putting watermelon surrounding it. The lawn at this point is merely a collection of green weeds way out back, so nothing would be harmed. I could then add mulch and allow the watermelon to lay on top of the mulch.

Today I'm off to find a birthday present for my 'baby'. She turns 37 this year !! Our other daughter is 42 !!! Can we possibly be old enough to have children that age??? LOL. She also loves photography - Both of us fill in relaxing moments at enjoying others photographic art. I'm off to find a 'compatible' larger memory card for their older Olympus camera.


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