Saturday, October 21, 2006

Foggy Foggy Dew

Saturday - October 2o, 2006
Views from the front porch this morning..

This was a surprising morning. Thick, thick fog covered everything. We are surrounded by so much water.. swampy and otherwise, that its surprising we don't have more fog. Yesterday was in the 90's again and last night at 10:30, it was still 80 degrees. MUCH too warm for October!! Its so hard to feel the temperatures here and look at the pictures of all the snow in some locations.

I was excited to find yesterday that many of the larkspur seeds sprouted. At least one yellow pear tomato seed sprouted and one homestead tomato. My husband says its too late for seedlings - when I do it earlier he tells me they won't make it because the weather's too hot. LOL. I've finally learned to just go ahead and try it. If they don't make it, oh well.... and if they do... yea!!! My cucumbers and yellow squash plants are doing beautifully... in their pots. I read a 'thread' on the Florida gardening forum this morning with people saying that they've given up on both of these plants because of insect and fungus problems. I know that milk diluted with water is a wonderful anti fungal remedy - and fish emulsion fertilizer sprayed on the plants along with onion and garlic that's gone through a blender and strained, help to deter bugs. We also used to sprinkle bran or wheat germ on the plants. Actually this was sprinkled once you saw signs of insects. It would stick to the moist beetles bodies, dry and make them VERY ... dead.

Our daughter's best friends' son got married yesterday evening. I've never heard of a wedding with so much struggle within the families. I can see the point of view of each 'side'. My prayers are simply that all this struggle be forgotten and that God will bless their union and bring them both to the best they can be. I think there is always more struggle when the bride and groom are a bit older and have more people who care about them... I know that they know God orders their steps and am trusting that there was much prayer before coming to this decision. What things look like to our eyes isn't necessarily the truth. Only He knows what lies ahead and He can choose to pour untold blessings on the couple. May it be.

My husband is off walking at the park this morning. The fog around the lakes is beautiful when the weather is changing. He's made a commitment to walk every morning if we have no plans. My commitment is to find a pair of shoes comfortable enough for walking. LOL and THEN I'll consider the commitment to actually go walking!

I always dread time changes and wish they'd just leave the clocks alone. I do appreciate the opportunity to wake up to light instead of dark. It always feels like you haven't finished the night and sleeping when you have to get up and its still night out. Supposedly dawn is now at 7:30 - During the peak of summer dawn is before 6 AM. I much prefer that. Daylight savings is soon.. or is it the opposite.?? My husband always resets the clocks making it lots easier for me to deal with. Now we'll see 6:30 on the clock when its light. Better time...The drawback is that it will soon be dark at 4-4:30 in the afternoon instead of the 8:30 summer sunset. The kids get on the busses in the dark and come home in the dark.

There's a local place that helps people in need called Hands of Mercy. My daughter's church is very active in trying to fill some of those needs. Someone gave me a large set of corelle dishes, and some other glassware. It just "happened" that someone came in in need of just those things. I think I'm off this morning to look through my house to see what I might pass on to someone else, blessing me by uncluttering my house and them by filling a need. Posted by Picasa


At 10/24/2006 6:55 AM, Blogger Kerri said...

I'm envying you those warm temperatures! The foggy mornings are pretty I think, don't you? Your pictures captured this one nicely.
My larkspur seeded itself and I moved some of the seedlings around. I hope to have more spots of that lovely bright blue next summer.
Thanks for the tips on treating fungus and insects. I'll try them.
I hope your cukes and squash produce beautiful fruit and that you get some lovely tomatoes.
Wish we had walking weather all year 'round. Hope you find some comfortable walking shoes :)


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