Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Bok Tower Birds

Bok Tower in Lake Wales, Florida has several water areas, including a small pond with an observation window. From there you can watch several species of ducks and assorted songbirds feeding from stumps placed in the water. I believe this is to give the birds some seeds that aren't quite as accessible to the squirrels.

The wood ducks are spectacular.. I noticed 3 pair the day we were there. They try to keep paths etc far enough away from parts of the area where the small animals live and the ducks etc nest.

This is still my favorite squirrel picture. The squirrels at Bok Tower have become pests at times.. One came to sit on my shoulder as I rested on a bench one morning. Two tried to climb a child's pantleg. A quick Mom rescued the toddler without too much fuss, no doubt preventing fear later on in life.
This elusive catbird was so still, hiding at the base of some plants. He posed for such a long time before scurrying back into the shadows. You can hear all sorts of birds there.. songs that echo in the tops of the very tall canopy.. and ones through the understory and down on the ground. We notice the ones of the ground first, but the ones high in the trees are the first ones you hear as you enter.


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