Phooey !!!
LOL - I'm laughing, but still aggravated. My gardening success lately would fill my thumbnail. I was pretty excited that 4 sweet 100 tomato plants were doing so well. My plan was to transplant them into bigger pots - today. When I went out this morning to do it, I found the mockingbird murderer had caused the demise of 3 more little plants. I thought they were large enough to take off their protective covers. I was wrong.
I think back to Maine and part of the excitement was fighting the elements and either winning or surviving. These days I'd like the battle to be a little less up front and a bit more.. delayed. smile. I considered going to the store and buying some very inexpensive tulle-netting and making a large enclosure where the birds couldn't get in... namely that mockingbird. They always have their nest in the shrubs in front of the porch, so their dining table is ever present.
I love the birds - and have always planted enough to 'share'. They have to learn to wait until the actual plants are growing so there will be something to share. Since I haven't found a way to convince them to wait, its apparent that I need to take measures to protect the plants..
There is a large plastic cover from a grandchild's birthday cake that will cover the seedlings which are just emerging on the front porch.
Hopefully I still have some of those tomato seeds. AS I remember, they were extremely prolific and very sweet. I picked at least a pint every morning and afternoon. My favorite snack!
Naughty mockingbird! There has always been a mockingbird(s) nesting near our cottage on the island--they like to watch every move you make, ya know. Chummy even...sweet even...funny, too. However, they will play tricks and I imagine your mockingbird just couldn't resist the excellent taste of your tomato plants! I like the idea of the plastic cover from the birthday cake...may you have success protecting them with that. At least you will be able to start over again where you garden. I envy that. (PS the birds always get to the few blueberries I attempt to grow, grrrr)
Oh, I'm sorry the naughty mockingbird ate your tomatoes. So frustrating when that happens. It probably was thinking you're such a nice lady to grow plants especially for him/her :)
The crows eat our sweet corn seed and then the little sprouts, and yes, sometimes the tomatoe plants! And they're definitely not cute!
Oh I do know what you mean about sharing with wildlife. Last year we got only one runner bean all summer long because we "shared" with the rabbits. Still I think I would rather see the rabbits than the runner beans!
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